How long will I wait for my order?
Our aim is to get your order to you as soon as possible. In Slovakia it takes about two weeks (maximum) from the moment of placing the order to the actual delivery. For the rest of the world it really depends but one thing for sure you will always be provided with the tracking information
Why can't I pay upon delivery?
Some people have a habit of not accepting packages. This costs us time and money. Also our dog can't wear the dogtags with someone else's name and a telephone number :)
How should I take care of these dogtags?
If you want them to last as long as possible you should wipe them clean every time they get dirty and apply leather treatment - ideally something with the beeswax in it...
Will there be some new designs?
Budú 🙂 Ak ale nosíte v hlave váš vlastný, napíšte nám cez kontaktný formulár alebo whatsapp a niečo vymyslíme.
Where do you deliver?
We normally ship to any member state of the EU but we can ship anywhere in the world if we agree in advance. Price will depend on the pricelist of the Slovak post.
Will there be some different colors?
Absolutely :) We are always testing the new colors, once we find the perfect balance between readability and color we add it to our portfolio.
Can I have the each tag in a different color?
Absolutely, just let us know in the checkout process
What's the size of the dogtags?
They have a shape of a triangle which would fit into a square of 3,8cmx3,8cm
Aké farby máte aktuálne v ponuke?
Aktuálne máme v ponuke známky v červenej, hnedej, žltej, tyrkysovej a v dvoch odtieňoch zelenej – Kelly Green a Aqua Green